October, 1954 - October, 1956


I am not sure but I believe this is a hotel in San Juan on the north side of Puerto Rico.


This could be Camp Salinas and the tent I lived in with 9 other soldiers.


Several photos of San Juan. The right hand photo is taken from the El Moro Fort on the San Juan harbor looking back toward San Juan. There are some good photos of the fort on Page 4. The fort was part of a golf course and several holes were on the grounds of the fort. One hole was a dogleg right where you have to hit an iron low off the wall directly infront of you so it would bounce around the corner towards the hole. Most unusal golf hole.


Camp Salinas when it was de-activated and I was on guard duty there. The slabs are for 10 man tents and the otherj photo is of the recreation hall where I showed movies to the other guards at night.


John Felriz (?) was the company clerk and a friend of mine at camp.


Just another photo of the camp and the mess hall at Christmas time.


Not sure who is in the photo of the supply room but the last photo is of John and I pretending to be "inspected".