2005 - Part 2

Jeanne has done a great job in flowering the front of our home. Over the years she has added many new and interesting plants, some of which re-seed themselves each year. She hope to add more topsoil in 2006 to raise the bed enough so that when it rains the water will drain out onto the driveway.

The large purple flowers that grow next to the garage door are amazing. They get rather tall and Jeanne has to stake them to keep them upright. In the backyard flower bed in the corner is this rather unusal plant. We are not sure what it is but when it flowers IT FLOWERS!

You can get a pretty good idea as to how tall the yellow flower grows as I am standing behind it. In September, 2005, we finally got around to considering changing out the "temporary wheels" that Jeanne's son, Larry, put on our gangway shortly after the complete dock was delivered. As you can see the "temporary wheels" are about shot. We had to put the gangway up on blocks during the spring of 2005 as the lake level rose to overe 662' whereas normal level is 660' above sealevel.

The wheel failed to hold air so it was a job to continuely pump them up. Besides, over the years the axle had bent on both side, a real mess. Before we were able to get the gangway up on the blocks about 60%+ of it had been underwater.

The new wheels and axle are terrific! The wide wheels will make it extremely easy to roll the dock in and out. It did take a few tries to figure out how to attach the axle to the gangway as the supplier, Collins Dock, of Anderson told us we could drill holes in the L bracket that goes under the frame of the gangaway. But the metal was so hard that I broke a 1/8" high speed drill bit on it and hardly made a dent. So we ended up using U bolts and attached the axle to the front undercarriage of the gangway, which was Jeanne's idea that she came up with the evening after we were unable to drill holes.