This is the earliest times I can remember and I can't remember much about my living there.
Drexel Hill is a suburb of Philadelphia. To see exactly where Drexel Hill you can go to any
map site on the internet and look it up. Times certainly have changed! When I was growing
up the only way to find where a city was located was to get a map of the state it was in and
then find the city in the list of the cities.
You would be amazed at the things that people living in my generation didn't have that you
take for granted now days. But if you stop and look back, and one should always stop and
look back to see what happened and remember, you too will find many things that you
didn't have when you were growing up that is common place in your adult years.
I really can't remember the house we lived in but I do seem to recall that we were on a hill,
the left side of the street going down the hill. Why can I remember this? Well for one thing
I do remember that the school my brothers and I attended at that time was down the hill,
across the main street and on a rather large plot of ground. I do have a recollection of a
class room I was in but only another faded memory. It was typical for that period, small
chairs and tables with the teacher's desk in the front of the room. I believe a blackboard
was behind her desk.
You probably don't know what a blackboard is. You see, in my childhood, schools all had
blackboards which were made out of slate. Slate is a black, natural stone of a dense
molecular structure that can be easily split. Slate has many uses ranging from school
blackboards to roofing. In the early 1900s, slate was the material of choice for writing
surfaces for schools, hence the name, blackboard. You wrote on the blackboard with chalk,
which generally was white. At least chalk was always white while I was a kid. Later on,
high school and college, chalk became colored, which greatly enhanced the visual effect.
Schooling was always important to my parents and then pasted that on to me. It was clearly
understood the my brothers and I would go to college after high school. There was never,
ever, any discussion of us not going to college. Schooling ended upon graduate from
college. This I passed on to my son, Chris. And he is passing this notion on to his two boys
- college is the key to a better life.
One incident that I clearly remember is the "telephone pole incident". Unlike today's
neighborhood, well at least the newer neighborhoods, there were telephone polls
everywhere. Not only were there telephone lines on the polls but electrical lines too. I am
not exactly sure how far apart the polls were but there always was one on each corner or
intersection of roads. Naturally, there was one at the bottom of our street on our side of the
main street across from the school.
One day, I for some reason decided that I was not going to school. I believe I must have
been in kindergarten at the time. Not a difficult time for most kids except that it probably
was the first time that kids are away from their brothers, sisters, and parents. This is not
true today. A large percentage of kindergarten and younger aged kids today spend more
time away from home and their parents that they do with them. Why? Because the parents
want their kids to have everything and, to obtain this level for the kids, both parents work.
This allows the parents to "have more stuff" for themselves and their kids. "Stuff" is
anything that is not necessary for living other than food, housing, clothing and medicine. I
really shouldn't talk as I have more "stuff" now than I ever have had. But I am digressing
from my store.
Here is what happened or so I am told. On the way to school one day, my brother Jim and
I was walking down the hill towards school. Crossing the main street was not a problem or
so I assume now as most schools in my day had crossing guards, generally older more
responsible kids whose job was to insure that the young kids got safely across the street.
About the time we reached the main street and crossing corner I decided that I was not
going to school. Why no one seems to know. To make sure that I would not go to school, I
wrapped my arms around the nearest telephone poll and hung on for dear life. Jim first
tried to talk me in to going to school but when that failed he resorted to physical measures,
i.e. hitting my arms and hands and trying to pry me away from the poll. Alas, his attempts
failed, why I am not sure but perhaps because at that age, I was probably five and he was
only six, we were evenly matched.
After repeated attempt to get me away the poll met with failure each time, Jim had no
choice but to run back up the hill and get Mom. I am not sure of the outcome but I have
been told that I didn't go to school that day. Maybe I didn't site down for a bit after my
Mom fetched me back up the hill. I lived with that "pole" memory for quite a few years
after that and my brothers constantly reminded me of the incident.
Shortly after this incident the family moved once more. Since Dad was in retailing and for
some reason he seemed to be moving around quite a bit.