June, 1991 to June, 1992


We continue our hiking in the Chiliracahua National Monument even though it is cool when we start and gets colder the higher we climb. We can see snow at the higher level and some shady spots along the trail. On the right is Echo Canyon. This Monument has great monoliths, all caused by erosion.

About half way up to the top and there is more snow along the border of the trail. The photograph on the right was taken by placing the camera on a rock and using the timer. Unfortunately the camera was not quite level but you can get the idea. The rock formations are terrific and we can see why this place was made a national monument.

We drive from one trail head to another and along the way we can't help but stop to take photographs. The balanced rock on the right is fantastic! It, and all the other formations we see along all the trails, are well worth the effort. But the hiking is not that hard, i.e. not hard to walk or steep trails, just long.

Our real scrapbook has lots more photographs of this Monument but you can get the idea from the ones above. We leave this area and head for Carlesbad Caverns. On the way we stop at the Guadalupe Mountains which seems to rise up from the land. Naturally, we drive up and look around. I couldn't help but take a photograph of the face rock. Unfortunately, while at the park we discovered we had a flat tire. Fortunately it was not hard to fix this time.

Carlesbad Cavern was next on our list of must things to see. Unfortunately, we were not there at the right time to see the millions of bats flying out at night. On the left is the entrance to the Cavern. You can't tell it from the photograph but the entrance is about 40-50 YARDS wide - it is huge! Inside the Cavern it wonderful - so many neat things to see. The guided tour is great. This is another site you have to see sometime in your life. They have lights in the Cavern and various fantastic formations are illuminated to increase the sense of wonderment.