Once again, Jeanne manages to take several photographs from the same spot so we can later put them together for this wide angle view of Bryce Canyon.

On our way out of the park we stopped to look at one more natural arch in the canyon. And being it was April we couldn't resist taking a photograph of the snow nearby.

Since it was still early in the day we stopped at Red Canyon to see some trails we hadn't taken before. Then it was on to Capital Reef, another canyon type park. It is easy to see how long ago, the raging river scoured the bottom on the canyon to form these pockets.

We found it amazing that back in the 1800s people traveled west through this area. But then we see many of the tanks of water, caused by the river scouring the bottom, that contain water and then understand.

We found many great hiking trails in Capital Reef like the narrows trails shown on the left. On the right we came upon an abandon Uranium mine but didn't try to enter due to the Danger Sign posted in the entrance.

On the left we found the trail that led to the Hickman's Arch in Capital Reef. The park has this one arch that we know of. On the right is the natural bridge arch of the same name Park or Monument.

While taking Sam for a walk at Capital Reef he found this great looking Horned Toad. He has great camouflage so I have circled him so you can see him.