Compiled From Original Scrapbook Of

David & Jeanne Thomson

SAMUAL (SAM) S. KITTY 1986-2003


It was a very nice looking Tiger Tabby, sort of black and grey. In the beginning the cat was called Ms. Kitty as we thought it was a female. In the first week the cat was living with us we took it to the vet for a complete checkup. We want to make sure it had no diseases or injuries. We had to leave the cat at the vet so he could examine it. When we came to pick up Ms. Kitty the receptionist say, "Oh, actually it is Mr. Kitty!". The cat was a male. Male or female, we didn't care as the cat was "growing on us".

When we got home from the vet we decided to name him as we couldn't go around calling him Mr. Kitty. A few names were tried but then didn't seem to fit him. Then I believe I said "Sam" and that name just seemed to fit him. So he became Samual S. Kitty, as everyone needs a full name. The S was for Sewer where we found him and seemed to fit him to a T. From that day on the cat he Sam.

Sam almost didn't make it through his 1st year with us. He developed a urinary problem which apparently was caused by the food we were feeding him. It was almost like kidney stones in humans but in male cats it causes them to not be able to urinate and the bladder can empty. If this is not caught in time it can kill them.

A quick trip to the vet when we found he was having a problem in his litter box solved the problem. A change in diet helped but suddenly, one night later on he developed the problem again. This time he was in serious trouble and, fortunately, Columbus had an emergency room for animals. Even though it was late at night, as the emergency room for animals was open from 6PM-8AM, we were able to get Sam to the vet. They had to keep him most of the next day but he did survive to come back to us.

This time we found the right food to feed him and the condition never returned thank goodness. It the condition had return Sam would have had to have surgery. Sam's first few days back home were not good for him. Jeanne spent quite a bit to time sitting in a rocking chair in the family room, watching TV or reading, with Sam sleeping on her lap. I, too, took turns holding him.

We think that this critical time in Sam's life is when we developed a deep and permanent bond with Sam like no other relationship either of us had ever had and probably never would have again. Sam was Sam and he was a part of our life.