Book 7/Page 2
The interior of Dave's new home with the very important room their are preparing for the arrival of the baby in November.
Mom and Pop. The Dave Thomson's and Mary Ann parents, the Melfis in Columbus, Oh. Also, Mom and Pop visit Columbus, Oh. to see Dave and his family along with Pop's brother, George and his wife Glenna.
The fall of 1971 and the usual activities with Jim's large family, two adults and 5 kids!
The big day arrives - November 22, 1971 - Chris Thomson is born, almost 40 years to the day after Dave was born.
Dave and Mary Ann take turns taking care of the "new little guy". The folks get a re-modeled kitchen.
Christmas of 1971 with all the excitment and the Jim Thomsons at home.
Christmas 1971 continues and Mom is so proud of the "new kitchen". Christmas at 643 Grove Street, East Lansing, Mi. where the folks have been holding court since 1939.