Book 7/Page 6

Bob plays golf again at Calloway Gardens while the Dave Thomson's celebrate another Christmas.
Chris Thomson with his Christmas toy and the Melfis. Below are Dr. Lester and Flossy Parker of Sandusky, Oh
Tom pays a rare visit and Pop gets the yard fences in a bit.
Beth's 14th Birthday and friends and neighbors drop over for a visit.
Mom's oldest brother, James D. Parker, Jr., get married in La Joyya, CA March, 1973. Chris shows off the the camera.
A late March 1973 snow storm dumps quite a bit of snow. While Jan is visiting her parents in Traverse City, MI, the rest of Jim's kids and Jim have dinner with the folks.
April, 1973 and time for yard work again. Alice Ann Parker, daughter of Watson and Grace Parker graduates with an M.A.
Now Pop gets all the help he can muster (from Jim's family) to work in the yard as spring arrives in 1973. While all that is going on Mom gets nice flowers for Mother's day.
Book 7/Page 6