October, 1954 - October, 1956


This will give you some idea of how steep the cliff is. You can see some soldiers at the top working. The beach was rock but the sea revealed several old cannon balls which we were unsure of as to who's balls there were - attackers or defenders.


The photo on the left was not one of the places we tied our ropes to go down the cliff. You can see that climbing the cliff anytime would be extremely difficult and dangerous.


The moats were interesting but somewhat hard to clean out as you had to get up the side of the moat to cut off the brush. I have no idea who is in the photo to the left but I am easily recognizable on the right.


My friends and I visit the Panamal Canal. On the right is the house that the "donkey" works out of. The "donkey" is a small steam locomotive and it has a cable attached to the ship that is passing through a lock and pull it through after the water level has be either raised or drained, depending upon which was the ship was going.


Here we see a better angle of the locks and the rail that the "donkey" rides on


Another view of the "donkey" rails and me.