Another example of the short lift lines at Snowmass. Every day after skiing we jump into our swimsuits and head for the heated swimming pool which has a sanna and a hot tub. Just put on your after-ski boots, grab your towel and run down to the pool. You never notice that the outside temperature is in the 20s.

Jeanne is walking towards the "bunny hill". I have gone ahead carrying her skies. That ends our Snowmass ski trip for this year.

Back in Columbus in the spring Holly and TJ stop over with their parents. Sam, what a wonderful cat, easily rests in Holly's arms in the tree.

This is our home in Columbus, 5079 Greensboro Court. It is about 15 minutes from my job with Columbia Gas Research and 25 minutes from downtown Columbus where Jeanne used to work for ODOT, Ohio Department Of Transportation.

One day when I had Chris for a visit we went to Ohio State University Golf Course to practice. Chris took this great shot of me hitting a ball.

Chris takes another picture from behind. I was glad to see that my right elbow was close to my body. On the right you can see my poor position at the top of my backswing. My left knee should be pointing to the ball or behind it. As it doesn't I had a tendency to fade.slice the ball.

Christmas again and Jeanne's family come over to celebrate. They sure are a nice bunch of people, even the kids. Then it is off to Snowmass again for another great week of skiing.

I am not sure exactly where Jeanne is standing for this photograph. But it is one of the runs that leads back down to the village. It is always nice to get to the top of any lift as you can ski again. Skiing is great fun and we both enjoy it.