Still yet another Christmas and everyone is gathered at our home in Columbus. It is really nice the Larry, Janet, and the kids can come up north in the dead of winter to visit. Jeanne has lots of presents ready but when Sherrie, Terry, Larry and their families arrive the mound triples! Naturally, there is almost and unlimited supply of food in the kitchen.
Everyone has a great time seeing what everyone else gets on this day before Christmas. But Janet and Kathy look tired while Terry is ready for more.
In late 1989 Jeanne and I start to look around for a new camper as I am planing to retire in mid-1991. We want to have one early so we can try it out to see how things work and how to arrange things in the camper as we are planning to sell our home, put everything but what we can carry in the camper, and roam the USA for a year! We find what we want in Indiana, a 27' travelmaster that has "basement storage". There are at least 2-3 storage area on each side, one of which is large enough to hold our golf clubs. In addition our skies will fit in the one storage area that goes completely across the camper. It has its own generator, roof air conditioner, TV antenna, and much more. We hire a carpenter to build a small storage area over the refrigerator. There are two twin beds in the rear, a private bathroom and, across from it, a shower which me make into a storage area and to hold Sam's "potty". You can read and see what we did on the road for from June, 1991 to June, 1992 by clicking here
January, 1990 and time to visit Snowmass again for another wonder week of skiing. We have an easy flight to Denver and get a great view of the city coming in to the airport.
This ski trip we decide to fly from Denver to Aspen rather than take the 5 hour bus ride. Although the trip is very nice, the bus comfortable, and the scenery terrific we want to see the ski area from the air and cut the time from Denver to Aspen to 45 minutes.
On the right you can see the Snowmass ski area. It is huge!
Aspen airport is one runway and the weather has to be perfect to land there as there are mountains on both sides of the town. Fortunately, today the weather is absolutely perfect and we can land. The plane is much smaller than the one from Greenville to Aspen but the flight is smooth.
Once in on the ground and checked into the Aspenwood we take the free bus to Aspen and look around. We run into "old friends" and chat for a moment :o)