All along the route we took we saw many animals but the chipmonks were the best - always busy gathering food, which we were guilty in putting out for them at time. Glacier National Park has a lovely lake, McDonald Lake, which offered many great sites for photos.
June, 1991 to June, 1992
On our way north in Alberta, Canada, we passed many rivers and they all were worth stopping a moment to see. Generally, the road north to Baniff followed rivers and the scenery was always worth looking at.
The major structure in Baniff is the world famous Baniff Hotel. It sits high on a mountain and have a view that will take your breath away. But the breath taking view is from the top of the mountain which is reached by cable car. You can look down in the valley and see how the town is set up. Notice the golf course winding through the forrest below. Jeanne and I played this course and it was in surprisingly good shape. The only thing was that on a few holes you had to wait for the elk to move across the fairway before you could tee off.
Even though it was the middle of July, there still was snow on the ground in certain places, like the top of the mountain at the end of the cable car line. The Baniff Hotel sits with its back to Moraine Lake, a lake formed by the glaciers retreating and the water run off being caught in the moraine, the mounds of stones left by the melting glacier.
When we left Baniff we drove north towards Edmonton where the jump off point is for the Alaskian Highway, a 1,400 mile road to Alaska that was built during the World War II, 1942-1943. We traveled on the Iceland Highway north from Baniff and along the way we saw and stopped to look at the Crowfoot Glacier. The falls on the right is just the run off from the melting glacier.
Crowfoot was an impressive glacier and we both were glad we took the time to get closer. As we continued on north on the Iceland Highway we came upon the Weeping Wall, a place next to the road where the ground water spilled out on the side of a cliff. Probably one of the most memoriable sites we saw during the year on the road. There were many mountain goats climbing around the cliffs near by and caused a minor traffic jam with everyone who was passing stopped for a look.