June, 1991 to June, 1992
Denahi Park is where Mt. McKinley is located and you have to take a tour bus for an 8 hour round trip to see the park. Most of the time is spent on the bus looking for wild life. We did, at a rest stop, see fox that was quite friendly, probably because it knew people would feed it, which you are not suppose to do as then the animats would not be used to getting their own food.
At one point on the tour we saw several buses stopped on the road and soon discovered they were watching a mother grizzle bear and two cups about 600 yard away in a meadow.
Unfortunately, our bus got a flat and the two Girl bus drives changed the huge tire with no trouble at all. Then we finally say McKinley on the way back to the start of the tour. You can, if you look closely, see the top way above the top of the dark mountains. It is amazing how tall it is compared to the others around it.
At one rest stop, Eielson Visitor Center, the Caribou were just grazing around the building. This is where the fox was also. After we left Denahi we were header south toward Anchorage and we found this nice side road by a river where we could stay the night. There are few noises out there at night, just the rushing water of the river.
On the way we find a great place to get some more pictures of Mt. McKinley but after waiting several hours for the clouds to clear, which they didn't, we had to continue on. The building on the right is the Anchorage Visitor and Information Center.
Not far from the visitor center I found this "friend" of mine. Then, leaving Anchorage, we head for Seward and follow Cooks Inlet most of the way.