There is really not that much to see in Prudhoe Bay, oil wells, some of them covered, and some processing plants. The sign post on the right is for the "Future Site of the AM/PM MiniMart" and some of the mileage signs read "North Pole 1363", Tokyo 3487", Anchorage 640".
June, 1991 to June, 1992
The "Tundra Vehicle" (on the left) was designed to "tread" very softly on the ground. It is so soft that the designer of the vehicle lay down on the ground and let the vehicle drive over him. Didn't hurt him one bit! On the right are just some of the oil wells here.
On the left is one of the oil plants that process the oil before it is put in the pipeline. On the right, Jeanne, a.k.a. Ms Piggy, stand by a pipeline "pig", which can be launched into thej pipeline to clean out the inside of the pipe and look for leaks.
Jeanne and I pose at MILE ZERO of the Alaskan Pipeline. Later on we arrive at Valdez to see the end of the pipeline. On the right is Deadhorse and Prudhoe Bay from the air as we fly back to Fairbanks and poor Sam stuck in the camper for almost two days.
The landscape north of Fairbanks is quite without life, maybe some animals but few that we could see. On the right is the small town of Nenana where we went into a Railroad Museum.
The Museum was rather small but very well done. Then we headed down to Denahi Park where Mt. McKinley is located. We found a nice free campsite in a parking lot. Then we drove out as far as we could in the park, which was only 13 miles where we took the photo on the right of Savage River. To go any further in the park we would have to get a bus tour, the first of which started at 6:20AM and it is an 8 hour round trip. Most of the 8 hours is spent in the bus and the scenery is not that great as it is overcast and we can't see McKinley.