Page 1 1958 and Tom, Marj and the kids visit at Leland and the Folks reciprociate by visiting Marj's parents, the McLouths, at their Tourch Lake cottage in Michigan. George, Glenna and Mother visit East Lansing and bring along a photograph of their new granddaughter. A few snaps of the "gang" in Leland and at Christmas time Dave visits, Mom works on the dinner room table, setting it just right for dinner and Jim, Jan and family celebrate Christmas at home. During February, 1959 East Lansing it hit with a 20" snow storm. And here is a great photograph of James, Jeanne and there kids in La Jolla, CA.
Page 2 1959 - Jan & Jim's daughter, the 1st Thomson girl is 3 or more generations, arrives. Tom moves into a new home in Ann Arbor.
Page 3 Ensign Ricky Altstaetter and her ship, pop's yardman, Ruth with the East Lansing Library staff and off to Leland for another vacation.
Page 4 More Leland vacation photos and a nice grouping of all six grandkids. Cotton and Ruth take a trip to upper Michigan to see the Soo Locks and the "Big Mac" bridge. Dave get another new "used" car and the garage has to be lenghten to take Pop's new Chevy.
Page 5 Christmas time is here and the Christmas Cookie Tradition unfolds in the dinning room. Dave and friends take a skie trip while the folks get their downstair's bedroom remodeled with a shower and sink. Beth celebrates her 1st birthday.
Page 6 An ice storm hits East Lansing. The Library holds a tea and Kayo drops 90 pounds and looks great.