It is December 7, 1990 and Terry, Jeanne's 3rd child and 2nd son, is graduating from Ohio State University with a degree in computer engineering. There is not much to say about the photographs are most are self-explanatory. Terry has a "red circle" around him so anyone can easily pick him out in the crowd.
We meet Terry after the cerenony in a pre-arranged place. Jeanne has a smile a "hundred yards wide" as she is so proud of Terry. We go back to our home to celebrate and get some photographs of the "new graduate".
Naturally, Jeanne and Kathy, Terry's wife, are in the photographs.
Terry's son, TJ, and daughter, Holly, are impressed with Terry's graduation. On the right is our Christmas tree for 1990. With 13 people coming for Christmas there are bound to be "a ton" of presents :o)