PAGE 1 - How I got interested in the Rules of Golf

I grew up playing golf but knew litle about the Rules Of Golf other than a few basic rules, .e.g.

   Out of Bounds,
   Lost Ball,
   Water Hazard,
   You caused your ball to move.

By the time I was in my 20s I could score in the 80s. My "game" improved over the next 30 years even though I didn't play that much.

When I joined Columbia Gas System Service Corportion in Columbus, Ohio, I found that they had a golf league that played once a week from the spring through fall. The golfers were allowed to leave work early, about 3:30 PM so they would have time to drive to the course and finish before 7 PM.

I also found a very good golfer and we played together on the weekend. The forced me to practice more and my game continued to improved. By the time I reached my 50s I could consistently score in the 70s. When I turned 55 I decidd to try to qualify for the USGA Senior Amateur as the Handicap Limit was 8 in 1986 which I just qualified.

Most USGA qualifiers are held at some of the best, private courses in the country. I signed up, in 1986 at the closest course, Firestone North course in Akron. Firestone was built in 1929, designed by Bert Way (1929), redesigned in 1960 by Robert Trent Jones.

Firestone has two courses, the North and the South. The South course has been a PGA venue for years. In 2022, the Senior Championship was played there.

The North course has more water hazards and, in my opinion, a much tougher course to score on.

Each Senior Amateur has a free practice round for each competitor before the qualifying round. I was paired with to other competitors and enjoyed the round on one of America's great old courses.

When we came to the 17th hole, a lovely, 168 yard par 3 surroundedd by water and a carry over water of about 140 yards. Riprap lined the green on all sides, about 5 yards wide, except the walk-way going to the green. I successfully reached the green but one of our group was short and his ball appeared to be in the riprat.

When we got to the green we found his bal in the riprap but a small piece of wood, a 2"X4", was over it, i.e. his ball was down in a crevice. It might have been possible to play the ball if the piece of wood was not there. We stood around discussing, "Could the player remove the piece?" It was my opinion that, yes, prior to 2019, he could remove the wood as it was moveable obstruction (something manufactured) and not a lose impediment (twig, leaf), which you could not move.

We weren't sure what he could do but then a Rules Official came over to us. He said, "That is a natural object so it can not be moved in a hazard." We questioned his ruling to no avail.

On my way home for the qualifier, which I missed by one stroke, I thought about the ruling and made up my mind to wrie to the USGA to see what was the correct ruling.

Several weeks later the USGA wrote and told me that I was correct, i.e. the official should have allowed the piece of wood that was manufactored into a 2"X4" was moveable.

The next year the nearest Senior Amateur was again being held at Firestone Country Club North. I signed up as now I had played the course twice and somewhat "knew it".

When I got to the course for my practice round I signed in with an USGA official. When he saw my name he immediately asked, "Are you the player who wrote to the USGA about a ruling on he 17th hole last year?" H told him I was and quickly walked away from him as I assumed he was the official who made the wrong ruling.

I still continued working as volunteer course rating for the SGCA (South Carolina Gol Association). And I continued playing is some senrior amateur tournaents hosted by the SCGA. This lead to a very interesting situation a one tournament.


Rules Official
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