Page 1 The first eight pages of Pop's scrapbook which contains photographs from 1971 through 1973.This 1st page shows Tom's apartment in Dallas, Texas. Spring and into June where we can see some of the outside of the house, i.e. the garden. Also Pop's birthday cake. Pop will take photos of anything and this page has some shots of a small car accident near the corner of Bircham and Grove Street. Dave and Mary Ann visit in E. Lansing. Then some vacation time back in Leland at the shack. And then some shots of Dave's new home in Columbus, Ohio.
Page 2 Interior of Dave's new home in Columbus, Ohio. His in-laws, the Dave's new in-laws, Mike and Carolyn Melfi. The fall of 1971 and Dave and Mary Ann bring home their new son, Chris. The new kitchen and Christmas time.
Page 3 More of Christmas 1971. March, 1971 and home shots. Winter is evident on Pop's birdfeeders and some photos or Tom and Marj. Then Dave, Mary Ann and Chris arrive for a visit. Bob takes a golfing trip with some buddies to Calloway Gardens south of Atlanta, GA. More classic shots at home and Pop gets some shots of Jim and Jan's new couch. Pop's 72th birthday on June 21, 1972 and Tom's son arrives with daughter in tow.
Page 4 More of Chris, Dave's son. Ruth's younger brother, Watson, and his wife Grace visit in E. Lansing. Mom's brother, Lester, at his son's Terry's wedding. Mom & Pop vacation in Leland once again. They have been going to Leland for years and Watson & Grace normally vacation with them there.
Page 5 The fall of 1972. Some good photos of Craig and Bob. Also, Dave and Mary Ann visit again with Chris. The front porch of 643 Grove Street is enclosed just in time for the winter. I will have screens for use in the summer. Thanksgiving is here and Dave and family stops up. Dave is promoted to Research Engineer. Christmas 1972 finishes this page.
Page 6 Visits by Dave and Tom and a late snow storm in E. Lansing dumps 16" on the town. Spring of 1973 arrives and everyone is outside planting like mad. Pop is always planting something, e.g. roses, every spring. He really enjoys sitting on the ground working with the plants. Big Jim, Craig, Bob, Beth and Jimmy drop over for dinner.
Page 7 This page starts in May of 1973. Mom is out in the garden. The Jim Thomson's kids go to a high school prom. June 12, 1973 is Mom and Dad's 49 wedding anniversary. Mom and Pop go to Sandusky, Ohio to visit with Mom's brothers, James, Lester, and Watson, and her sister, Virginia. There is also a whole page on Dave, Mary Ann, and Chris visit. The Pop has some photos of Tom and Marj's condo in Dallas, TX. Finally, some photos of Mom's 70th birthday party and a newspaper clipping of Jim who has won an award for courtesy in May, 1973 when he was the manager of the Campus Bookstore across the street from Michigan State University.