Golf Course Rating Assistant (GCRA)


As GCRA evolved I developed a webpage (since taken down) to let other course raters that a new and easier rating method was available FREE OF CHARGE. It wasn't long before people started finding my GCRA webpage.

Several USGA Course Raters in Indiana found my site and wanted to use GCRA. They downloaded/installed GCRA and just loved it! So easy for the raters when on-course.

Shortly, I had users as shown in the map below.

  1. Indiana, 2 teams
  2. Puerto Rico
  3. Columbia, South America
  4. Brazil, South America
  5. Hungray
  6. Russia
  7. South Africa
  8. Iceland
  9. Dominican Republic

South Africa is a unique story. The USGA was, in 2015, switching their course rating system world-wide. South Africa, like many countries that used their owm course rating method, had 3 year to convert to the USGA System. The USGA instructed each of their 8 proviences in the USGA System. One provience, North West, upon seeing what the USGA System was like, began searching for an easier way to rate course.

Eric Lefson, North West, somehow found GCRA on the web and contacted me. After explaining more details to him, both via emals and telephone, he decided he could rate courses using GCRA. He put together a team and rate all the courses in North West in a very short time.

When the South Africa Golf Association (SAGA) polled the proviences the following year to see how rating was progression, only the North West had rated all their courses. And some proviences had yet to beging to rate. Tnhe SAGA then hired Eric to rate all of South Africa's 450+ golf courses over the next three years.

Eric completed the rating in less than three years and attributed the fast pace to his team's using GCRA. Unfortunately, at that time the SAGA decided to not to keep Eric as in charge of coursse rating in South Africa.

South Africa elected to keep using GCRA to rate their courses in the future rather than use the World Handicap System and the USGA's method.

Since I retired from course rating in 2023 South Africa will have modify text (.txt) files, all 200 plus of them, by themselves. If the USGA and WHS decide to change course rating in any significant way, South Africa may not be rating course "properly".

Not all teams shown

South Carolina Upstate Rating Team
Charles & Dave & Maurice
South Carolina Upstate Rating Team
Cliffs at Vineyards
Columbia, South America
Columbia, South America
Columbia, South America In Peru
Columbia, South America In Peru
Dave Thomson & Jeff Kozel
South Carolina Upstate Rating Team
Dennis Park, Team Leader
South Carolina Midlands Rating Team
Lesie Fellows Team Leader
Brazil, South America Rating Team
Russian Rating Team
  Ekaterina rerendeyera
  Nikolay Remizov (team Leader)
  Igor Chundenko
South Africa Course Being Played After Rating Southern Cape Golf Union Rating Team
Dave Thomson discussing rating
with Upstate Rating Team
2004 Upstate Rating Team - Paul Manikowski, Dave Thomson. David Thompson. Gean Mealey, ???, Harry Wilson (Team Leader)

Rating Golf Courses

Course Rating Introduction
Golf Course Rating Assistant