June, 1991 to June, 1992

USA Map Routea>

Canada/Alaska Map Route

Here are two maps that will show you the route we took, more or less as the maps are not detailed enough to show the actual highways.
Page 1 A few more photos of Chena Hot Springs and then we head back to Fairbanks. On the way we spot some moose, both in a lake and on the road where all the cars (ours and two others) wait for them to get back into the woods. The we leave Sam in the Camper at the airport parking lot with plenty of food and water and fly up to Barrow for an overnight stay. The eskimos perform traditional songs and dances for the tourists upon arriving in Barrow.
Page 2 Barrow is a small town with a city hall, grocery store, college builder and homes, all of which are connected by dirt roads. We stay at the Top Of The World Hotel and see the sights.
Page 3 More sights in Barrow including some of the local eskimos drying seal skins and one even had a polar bear skin. The local Chief of Police's home can be seen and the monument to Will Rogers, who died in a plane crash near Barrow. Also is the start of our plane ride to Deadhorse where Prudhoe Bay is located.
Page 4 Prudhoe Bay is about 250 square miles so in order to see it you have to take a tour. The land is very flat and about all you can see are some oil wells, processing plant and the major attraction, Mile Zero of the Alaskan Pipeline which ends in Valdez.
Page 5 Denahi Park, the largest National Park in Alaska.
Page 6 Down the Seward Highway to Portage and then cut over to the Kenai Peninsula to Homer.
Page 7 The Portage Glacier and a short train ride to Whittier which is a very small sea port. Then back to Anchorage and east to the Richardson Highway to Valdez.
Page 8 Valdez and a tour ship to the Columbia Glacier, one of the largest in Alaska.
Page 9 We return from the Columbia Glacier tour, see the terminal of the Alyeska Pipeline with several tankers waiting. In the harbor several sea otters play. Then it is back north to catch the Glenn Highway which leads back go Dawson Creek and the alternate route back to the lower 48 states, the Cassier Highway.
Page 10 The Cassier Highway has about 300 miles in the middle that is, to say the least, roughest road you will ever find in a major highway. But we make it down the rough road with only one flat tire. Turning east towards Steward we find several glaciers around the way and the Bear Glacier is especially nice. Steward is just to the south of Hyder, Alaska and is famous for the black bears that feed on the salmon in a river just north of town.